Eren Holdıng Wastewater Treatment Plant

Feasibility, detailed desing, engineering, construction supervision, andconsultancyservices of  01's Factory.  The project includes biological and chemical treatment plant with capacity of 32,000 m³/day, 3 water eeservoirs with capacity of 18,150 m³, 5 pumping stations with capacity of 390 lt/s, Cl2 chlorination station with capacity of 340 lt/s, ventilation station with

Sanlıurfa Drınkıng Water Project

Construction supervision of 35 km of primary drinking water transmission pipelines with nominal diameters ranging between 400 mm and 1,800 mm, several reinforced concrete reservoirs with a capacities 4,000 to 20,000 m³, including all associated structures, rehabilitation of existing reserviors, constructing and equipping pumping stations and all necessary connections to