Bılecık Duzce Istanbul Kocaelı 1109 Housıng, Hospıtal, Pharmacy,Mosque, Trade Center, Dormıtory

Construction Supervision of different superstructures, with the total construction area of 431.529,12 m². Retrofit and repair works of a tax office service building with the total construction area of 21.127 m², 4 student dormitory with the capacity of 1200 beds, 3 hospitals, which are Izmit, Gebze, and Tuzla Hospitals, with

Sanko Holdıng Textıle Factory Buıldıng

Design, Engineering, supervision, and consultancy services of Textile Factory Building and facilities. The project includes detailed structural, architectural, electrical and mechanical design report of textile factory building, consisting of 3 blocks, with the total construction area of 76.000 m² , and boiling facility, with the total construction area of 2.600

Seısmıc Retrofıttıng Works of EREN Textıle Factory

  The project includes vulnerability assessment, detailed design and construction supervision of retrofitting works and related repair works of Eren Textile Factory and Facilities, located in Yenibosna, Istanbul, to structurally strengthen the buildings to comply with the Earthquake Codes.