Construction supervision and consultancy services of 330 km 6 lane (2x3) motorway between Ankara-Nigde under BOT. The project includes 436
Contract Date: 2020
client: National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. (NHIDCL
Name of Work: Consultancy Service for Authority’s Engineer for (i) Construction/upgradation of existing road to 2-lane with paved shoulder including geometric improvement from Ranipool to Pakyong from Km. 0.000 to Km. 16.167 of NH- 717-A on EPC basis under SARDP-NE Phase ‘Á’ and (ii) Construction of 48 m Bridge over Chuba Khola from km 75+300 to km 75+800 on NH-10 on EPC Basis in the state of Sikkim
Ranıpool to Pakyong NH-717 A
This project includes construction supervision services of 16.167 km 2 lane road including 1.4 Km length of Ranipool Bye Pass & Bridge over Ranikhola and construction supervision of 500 m highway including 48 m bridge. Consultancy services include upgrading of the existing road, having formation width of about 6.50 m, to a formation width of 12.0 m, construction of pavement work for the entire length, construction of 63 culverts, and permanent works at essential places, etc.