Construction supervision of 6 lane (2x3) 44.5 km highway, and 4 lane (2x2) 17.7 km connection road. Total length of
Contract Date: 2021
client: National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd.
Name of Work: Consultancy services for Authority’s Engineer for Supervision of“Construction and Upgradation of existing road on NH-510 between Rabangla to Gyalshing to 2-lane with paved shoulder configuration in the State of Sikkim under SARDP-NE Phase ‘A’ on EPC mode for (i) Km 32+500 to Km 33+600 (Package-III), (ii) Km 33+600 to Km 58+840 (Package IV), (iii) Km 58+840 to Km 75+000 (Package V) & (iv) Km 75+000 to Km 90+210(Package VI)”