Construction supervision and consultancy services of 27.5 km double The project includes construction supervision of 27.5 km double-track high speed
Contract Date: 2001
client: General Directorate of Highways
Name of Work: Supervision, Consultancy and Engineering Services of the Construction of Highway Connection Roads to be Constructed in 3 Groups of the Permanent Settlement Areas in the Earthquake Zones of Istanbul and Kocaeli Provinces
Istanbul Kocaelı Connectıon Roads
Total length 45,5 km 2 x 2 roads of 3 different groups in earthquake zones of Kocaeli – Gölcük. Supervision includes 9 bridge junctions,7 hydraulic bridges (425,00 m), 5 overpass bridges (240,00 m), 7 underpass bridges (150,00 m), 123 box culverts (4.915,00 m), Soil Works, Engineering Structures, Sea and Creek Fortifications, Bored Piles, Bridges, Tunnels, Sub-foundations, Plant-Mix Foundation and Bituminous Hot Mix . Project Management, Construction Supervision, Material Approvals and Progress Payment Control, Quality Control and Quality Assurance, Provisional and Final Acceptance Services.