Design, Engineering, supervision, and consultancy services of Textile Factory Building and facilities. The project includes detailed structural, architectural, electrical and
Contract Date: 2008
client: General Directorate of Infrastructure Investments
Name of Work: Survey, Detailed Design and Engineering Services of Aydin-Cine-Gulluk Port Railway
Aydın Cıne Gulluk Port Raılway
Survey, feasibility, preliminary and detailed design, and engineering services of 158.78 km double-track mix use conventional railway with 90 km/h operation speed. Minimum curvature radius is 3,500 m, and maximum vertical slope is 2.5% The project includes 3 stations, 251 culverts, 98 underpasses, 17 overpass, 82 bridges and viaducts with the total length of 16.472 km, 72 cut & cover tunnels with the total length of 18.206 km, 45 bored tunnels with the total length of 23.554 km, electrification, signalization, and telecommunication systems.