The project includes construction supervision and consultancy services for 6.1 km Road Under Bridge (RuB) tunnel having various cross section
Contract Date: 2014
client: General Directorate of Turkish State Railways
Name of Work: Construction Supervision and Consultancy Services of Ankara-Sivas Railway Between Yerkoy-Yozgat- Sivas Infrastructure Works (Section III KM: 433 + 500- 461+000)
Ankara Sıvas Hıgh Speed Raılway (Sectıon III)
Construction supervision and consultancy services of 27.5 km double The project includes construction supervision of 27.5 km double-track high speed railway with 250 km/h operation speed. 25 culverts, 11 underpasses, 3 overpasses, 9 viaducts, 1 bridge, 2 cut&cover tunnels and 6 NATM tunnels