This project includes Detailed Design and Project Management Consultancy services during preconstruction and construction stage of various works in connection
Contract Date: 2017
client: General Directorate of Highways
Name of Work: Supervision and Consultancy Services of Ankara - Nigde Motorway under BOT Construction
Ankara Nıgde Motorway
Construction supervision and consultancy services of 330 km 6 lane (2×3) motorway between Ankara-Nigde under BOT. The project includes 436 culverts, 24 overpass bridges, 3 underpass bridges, 19 junction bridges, 1 overpass, 126 underpasses, 4 viaducts with the total length of 3,472 m, 2 operation and maintenance centers, 6 park areas, 4 service areas, 12 toll stations